Hob’s review of Alien Space Tentacle Porn By Peter Cawdron

Alien Space Tentacle Porn

This book is hard to explain. But let me get the obvious question out of the way first. Yes it is a love story…… What? Was that not the obvious question? Oh, you were referring to the whole  tentacle porn thing. Well that is actually kind of a joke on the whole anal probe alien abduction story. I know the title is a bit hard to um … swallow…. When you first see or hear of this book there are two types of reactions I imagine from people. First is this one of ……. WTF obzor-styx-shards-of-darkness-goblin-kotoryy-umeet-smeshno-govorit-37582

Then I imagine the other group responding like this for whatever reason, be it they like tentacles way too much or … well I will leave it at that.


I was more the former but after listening to the book I am beyond the latter all the way to this goblin.



That’s right I admit it freely, I love Alien Space Tentacle Porn! That probably doesn’t sound good but it is true. But for the love of god don’t do a google image search for the cover and then don’t add the word goblin to the search just for the hell of it….. because there are way too many talented artists with too much time on their hands and a thing for tentacles I guess. Trust me!  I probably looked like this after the search.


Here is the blurb

A 1950s hospital. Temporary amnesia. A naked man running through Central Park yelling something about alien space tentacles. Tinfoil, duct tape, and bananas. These are the ingredients for a spectacular romp through a world you never thought possible as aliens reach out and make contact with Earth.

I love when I come across these vague and disturbing looking books and they end up having a real depth to them as well as a hefty dose of humor. And boy does this one have both in high amounts. Plus going back to my first obvious question yes it is a bit of a love story but not in a sappy way.

This is just a novella so it is short, only 4 hours long but the audio book is excellently narrated by MacLeod Andrews. Whom you might recognize from The Reckoners series by Brandon Sanderson among many other great audiobook performances.  I listened to it all in one go and was sad when it was over.

Final thoughts

This was actually a remarkably deep story about equality and how if we strived for that one goal we could make this world a true utopia. That and tentacles going places they shouldn’t………..  Just kidding there are no graphic scenes of tentacles or any other kind of appendages. But there are loads of very emotional moments and some very profound thoughts with …copious amounts…. of good humor spurted here and there.  I give this audiobook 4.75 out of 5 stars

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