Apparently yesterday was NATIONAL BOOK LOVERS DAY, but according to every day is “something” day. But around these parts every day is BOOK LOVERS DAY! Still that makes yesterday twice as important for those of us that love to read as it is for the other half of the people that only read half as much… er um something like that.

Well whatever let’s just move on to why I am posting. The first reason is to tell you about the two books I received yesterday.

This first is an E-book that was given to me by the author and is titled Memnon. It is a historical fiction story about Memnon of Rhodes (375-333 BCE) one of the only Greeks to go against Alexander the Great as he rose to power. The E-book is being re-released under a new publisher. Memnon got a whole new look from the guys over at Crossroad Press recently and will be hitting digital shelves next Tuesday. I am not sure about the physical books but rest assured that will be one of the first questions I ask Scott Oden during the interview that we will be doing sometime this weekend. Since I don’t have a physical book to take a picture of for this post, I just put the same kind of helmet they would have worn in the book on Bob and took a picture of him, and boy does he look surprised.



The second book is a second book. God, English is a weird language sometimes. Sorry, back on task. I am sure most of my readers know that I am a huge fan of the Grimdark sub-genre of Fantasy by now. Well you should have seen the look on my face yesterday when I got a package from the Queen of Grimdark herself, Anna Smith Spark. That’s right boys and girls I was given a gift from GD royalty. Does that mean poor old Hobby is a free goblin now?

More important than my freedom though is the fact that Anna Smith Spark sent me a signed copy of  The Tower of Living and Dying (Empires of Dust #2)!

I can’t wait to jump back in to this superbly well written world. The Court of Broken Knives was one of my favorite reads last year and received a nomination for best GD book of 2017 in my second annual goblin awards post.

So a huge thank you to both authors

Scott Oden and Anna Smith Spark

Here is Little Hob and Bob wearing a Memnon helmet showing off my new copy of The Tower of Living and Dying.

h 2


Anna didn’t just send the book! She sent along three bookplates with some fucking outstanding art on one side and short little quotes from the book on the other.  Check these out!

card 5

Since Bob needed a hand (Get it? HA HA he is just a skull so he literally needed a hand!) Oh man, I kill me …..  Since Bob needed a hand holding onto the bookplates for the photo shoot. I used a half way done Nazgul gauntlet I have been working on.

c 8

The reason I wanted to get some good pictures of the bookplates brings us to the second topic I wanted to talk about. It has been a long time since I did a giveaway, hasn’t it?  Well, thanks to the generous Queen in the dangerous footwear I am going to randomly select one person that comments below and let them pick one of the bookplates to become their very own alternate reality place holder, more conmanly called a bookmark.  Take a good look everyone and pick your favorite.

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Here are the rules for the giveaway. This giveaway is open to all. On Friday August 31st around 10pm Mountain I will randomly select one person from the comment list down at the bottom and let them chose the bookplate they like best. The winner will have around 24 hours to respond with their choice of bookplate and a shipping address for me to send it to. If after the 24 hours they have not returned my Email a new winner will be chosen and that person will have 24 hours and so on and so on…..

*** Giveaway is now over***

Congrats to Kim If I don’t hear back in 24 hours a new winner will be chosen.



16 thoughts on “BOOK LOVERS DAY 2018 BOOK HAUL AND MORE!

  1. I collect bookplates and these are some of the coolest I have come across. I haven’t read this series but book one is now the newest addition to my TBR pile. I just need a good bookmark before I start. J/k I just use the receipt from the bookstore as a bookmark. I don’t want to mess up the bookplates . Saying that out loud for the first time makes me think I might be a bit odd lol

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